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2021 Apr CISSP exam cram

Q201. A vulnerability test on an Information System (IS) is conducted to 

A. exploit security weaknesses in the IS. 

B. measure system performance on systems with weak security controls. 

C. evaluate the effectiveness of security controls. 

D. prepare for Disaster Recovery (DR) planning. 


Q202. An external attacker has compromised an organization's network security perimeter and installed a sniffer onto an inside computer. Which of the following is the MOST effective layer of security the organization could have implemented to mitigate the attacker's ability to gain further information? 

A. Implement packet filtering on the network firewalls 

B. Require strong authentication for administrators 

C. Install Host Based Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDS) 

D. Implement logical network segmentation at the switches 


Q203. Which of the following is a security feature of Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM)? 

A. It uses a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) for authentication. 

B. It uses encrypting techniques for all communications. 

C. The radio spectrum is divided with multiple frequency carriers. 

D. The signal is difficult to read as it provides end-to-end encryption. 


Q204. A large bank deploys hardware tokens to all customers that use their online banking system. The token generates and displays a six digit numeric password every 60 seconds. The customers must log into their bank accounts using this numeric password. This is an example of 

A. asynchronous token. 

B. Single Sign-On (SSO) token. 

C. single factor authentication token. 

D. synchronous token. 


Q205. Which of the following is a critical factor for implementing a successful data classification program? 

A. Executive sponsorship 

B. Information security sponsorship 

C. End-user acceptance 

D. Internal audit acceptance 


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Q206. Application of which of the following Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards will prevent an unauthorized wireless device from being attached to a network? 

A. IEEE 802.1F 

B. IEEE 802.1H 

C. IEEE 802.1Q 

D. IEEE 802.1X 


Q207. Which one of the following operates at the session, transport, or network layer of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model? 

A. Data at rest encryption 

B. Configuration Management 

C. Integrity checking software 

D. Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 


Q208. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding state-based analysis as a functional software testing technique? 

A. It is useful for testing communications protocols and graphical user interfaces. 

B. It is characterized by the stateless behavior of a process implemented in a function. 

C. Test inputs are obtained from the derived boundaries of the given functional specifications. 

D. An entire partition can be covered by considering only one representative value from that partition. 


Q209. In a basic SYN flood attack, what is the attacker attempting to achieve? 

A. Exceed the threshold limit of the connection queue for a given service 

B. Set the threshold to zero for a given service 

C. Cause the buffer to overflow, allowing root access 

D. Flush the register stack, allowing hijacking of the root account 


Q210. Which of the following is the MOST important element of change management documentation? 

A. List of components involved 

B. Number of changes being made 

C. Business case justification 

D. A stakeholder communication 
