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Q39. Which of the following are examples of client tasks? Select the three that apply. 

A. Agent Wakeup 

B. Product Update 

C. Repository pull 

D. Mirror Repositories 

E. Event Migration 

Answer: A,B,D 

Q40. Which of the following services is related to Super Agents? 

A. Framework 

B. Application Server 

C. Event Parser 

D. Tomcat 


Q41. Which file found in the \Program Files\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\Server\conf directory needs to be modified to change the default ePO Console session timeout? 

A. server.xml 

B. web.xml 

C. tomcat-users.xml 

D. context.xml 


Q42. Which of the following command line options for the cmdagent.exe will check for new policies and enforces them immediately upon receipt? 

A. /N 

B. /P 

C. /C 

D. /E 


Q43. Which of the following types of distributed repositories is supported by ePO? Select the three that apply. 






Answer: A,B,C 

Q44. Which of the following should be the primary consideration when deploying Agent Handlers? 

A. Database increasing in size 

B. Log files increasing in size 

C. Memory and resource allocation 

D. High speed and low latency connection 


Q45. Product deployment packages are checked into what repository? 

A. Distributed 

B. Master 

C. Fallback 

D. Source 


Q46. What default port is used for Rogue System Detection Sensors for communication to the ePO server? 

A. 8081 

B. 8082 

C. 8443 

D. 8444 


Q47. When configuring the Active Directory settings, exceptions can include which of the following? 

A. Organizational Units 

B. Computers 

C. Domain Groups 

D. Users 


Q48. What options are available to the administrator when creating a client task to limit the systems that receive the task? 

A. Tasks can only be assigned globally 

B. Tasks can only be assigned to a specific group 

C. Task can be configured with defined criteria 

D. Task can be enabled when the desired systems are online 


Q49. Why would a managed system appear in the Lost&Found group? 

A. No matching criteria were found 

B. Matched sorting criteria were found 

C. Inactive Agent 

D. Rogue Agent 


Q50. Which of the following Lost&Found group characteristics can be modified? 

A. Group Name 

B. Sorting Criteria 

C. Sorting Criteria for subgroups 

D. Tree location 


Q51. Which of the following options are available from the ePO Server settings? Select the three that apply. 

A. Ports 

B. Global Updating 

C. Event Migration 

D. Active Directory Synchronization 

E. Email Server 

Answer: A,B,E 

Q52. Which of the following is an available default notification rule? 

A. Daily known category notification 

B. Virus detected and not removed 

C. Virus detected and removed 

D. Non-complaint computer detected 


Q53. An Alien Agent is a system that 

A. has not reported back to ePO in the last 30 days. 

B. does not have a McAfee Agent installed. 

C. has the Agent Component disabled. 

D. is reporting to a different ePO Server. 


Q54. When computers check into the System Tree, subgroups are considered for matching criteria according to 

A. criteria 

B. tag 

C. sorting order 

D. IP filtering 


Q55. Which policies can be configured to record the Session settings for reporting? Select the two that apply. 

A. On-Delivery Email Scan Policies 

B. On-Access Default Processes Policies 

C. On-Access General Policies 

D. Quarantine Manager Policies 

Answer: A,C 

Q56. Which of the following is the correct order for creating a query? 

A. Configure Chart, choose Columns, select Result Type, apply Filter 

B. Select Result Type, choose Columns, configure Chart, apply Filter 

C. Configure Chart, select Result Type, choose Columns, apply Filter 

D. Select Result Type, configure Chart, choose Columns, apply Filter 


Q57. Framework Service is responsible for which of the following functions? Select the two that apply. 

A. Schedule Server Tasks 

B. Enforce Policies 

C. Collect and Send system Properties 

D. Scan for threats and vulnerabilities 

E. Policy throttling 

Answer: B,C