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2021 Sep AND-401 exam prep

Q41. Which of the following AsyncTask methods is NOT executed on the UI thread? 

A. onPreExecute() 

B. onPostExecute() 

C. publishProgress() 

D. onProgressUpdate() 

Answer: C 

Q42. Which of the following sets the entire Activity window as a WebView? 

A. WebView webview = new WebView(this);webview.setAsWindow; 

B. setContentView(R.layout.webview); 

C. WebView webview = new WebView(this);setContentView(webview); 

D. setContentView(“”); 

Answer: C 

Q43. Which of the following Activity life-cycle methods is called once the activity is no longer visible? 

A. onStop 

B. onPause 

C. onDestroy 

D. onHide 

Answer: A 

Q44. Which of the following attributes is used to set an activity screen to landscape orientation? 

A. screenorientation = landscape B. screenOrientation=”landscape” 

C. android:ScreenOrientation=“landscape” 

D. android:screenOrientation=”landscape” 

Answer: D 

Q45. Which of these is NOT recommended in the Android Developer's Guide as a method of creating an individual View? 

A. Create it by extending the android.view.View class 

B. Create it by extending already existing View classes such as Button or TextView 

C. Create it by copying the source of an already existing View class such as Button or TextView 

D. Create it by combining multiple Views 

Answer: C 

AND-401 braindumps

Renewal AND-401 exam prep:

Q46. What two methods you have to override when implementing Android context menus? 

A. onCreateOptionsMenu, onCreateContextMenu 

B. onCreateContextMenu, onContextItemSelected 

C. onCreateOptionsMenu, onOptionsItemSelected 

D. onCreateOptionsMenu, onContextItemSelected 

Answer: B 

Q47. Which of the following is NOT a correct constructer for ArrayAdapter? 

A. ArrayAdapter(Context context) 

B. ArrayAdapter (Context context, int recourse) 

C. ArayAdpater (Context context , int resource, int textViewResourceId) 

D. ArrayAdapter (Context context , int resource, List<T> items) 

Answer: C 

Q48. Which of these is the correct function of Traceview? 

A. Displays a graphical task execution log. 

B. Displays graphically a memory acquisition and release log. 

C. Displays graphically the call stack. 

D. Displays graphically the Ul state hierarchy. 

Answer: A 

Q49. To add a new Activity to your application, you need to perform the following steps: 

A. Create a Java class that extends View, set a layout, and add an Activity tag in AndroidManifest.xml. 

B. Create layout resource only. 

C. Create a Java class that extends Activity, add an Activity tag in AndroidManifest.xml, and create a layout for the activity. 

D. Add an Activity tag to AndroidManifest.xml, and add ACTIVITY permission. 

Answer: C 

Q50. Which of the following best explains the Android context menus? 

A. It is a popup menu displays a list of items in a vertical list that's anchored to the view that invoked the menu. 

B. It is a floating menu that appears when the user performs a long-click on an element. It provides actions that affect the selected content or context frame. 

C. It is the primary collection of menu items for an activity. It's where you should place actions that have a global impact on the app, such as "Search," "Compose email," and "Settings". 

D. It is a sub-menu of an options menu item. 

Answer: B